
The Seattle Fetish Ball is a celebration of diverse fetishes and alternative lifestyles. To maintain a respectful and consensual environment, Attendees are expected to observe specific etiquette and conduct standards to ensure the comfort and safety of all participants. Event ambassadors, recognizable by a glowing red wristband, will roam around to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being.

Here are the codes of conduct expected of guests:

Consent Priority:

Consent forms the foundation of interactions at the Seattle Fetish Ball. All activities, whether verbal or physical, must be consensual and respectful of individual boundaries.

Dress Appropriately:

Dressing in fetish attire, such as corsets, leather, latex, and BDSM gear, is compulsory. Attendees must conform to the event's theme and clothing guidelines.

Respect Personal Space:

Attendees must be mindful of personal space and avoid intruding unless explicitly invited. Being aware of one's surroundings is essential, and respecting private conversations is a must.

Privacy and Discretion:

The Seattle Fetish Ball operates under the principle of "what happens at the event, stays at the event." Taking photos or videos without explicit consent is prohibited. Photos will be allowed in the Lobby only. A professional photographer will in attendance.

Inclusivity and Non-Judgment:

Embrace the diverse interests and preferences within the fetish community and treat all attendees with respect, regardless of their gender, fetish, kink, or outfit.

Effective Communication:

Transparent and honest communication is a cornerstone of the fetish community. When expressing interest or engaging with someone, be clear about your desires and limits while attentively listening to theirs.

Compliance with Event Rules:

Abide by event-specific rules and guidelines set by organizers including entry requirements, safety protocols, and event schedules.

Sobriety and Alertness:

Maintain control over your faculties by avoiding excessive alcohol or substance use, which can impair judgment and lead to unsafe situations. Bartenders will not serve intoxicated individuals.

Prompt Reporting:

If you witness inappropriate behavior or feel uncomfortable, promptly report it to event staff or ambassadors, who are there to ensure everyone's safety and well-being.

Responsible Enjoyment:

While the Seattle Fetish Ball encourages exploration and enjoyment of fetishes, attendees must do so in a safe and consensual manner. Always respect the boundaries and limits of others while ensuring an enjoyable experience.


The event will employ ambassadors which will be there for you to ensure your safety and well-being. If for any reason you require assistance please engage them. They will be wearing a glowing red wristband.